Posts tagged Peter Greer
Podcast Episode 41 - How to slay a dragon: Peter Greer, CEO of Hope International

In this week’s episode, we’re talking to Henry’s long-time friend Peter Greer, President and CEO of Hope International, a leading provider of microfinancing for underserved communities around the globe. Peter helps us understand the multi-faceted aspects of poverty, that it’s about more than simply the lack of resources.

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Hope International - A US Entrepreneur making a huge Global Impact for the Kingdom

I will never forget the time when I first came to know about Hope International.  God had started to bless Bandwidth with more success, and I knew that I wanted to get more serious about giving.  I became fascinated with the concept of microfinance.  God had placed a passion in me for marketplace transformation and I knew that entrepreneurship could create great opportunity for poverty alleviation in the US, but especially overseas.   Mohammed Yunus' Book, "Banker to the Poor" had just come out and I couldn't get enough.  I read everything I could find on MFI and eventually came across a podcast from Kiva that shared the stories of their member partners and what they did with MFI and where they did it. 

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