Podcast Episode 41 - How to slay a dragon: Peter Greer, CEO of Hope International

In this week’s episode, we’re talking to Henry’s long-time friend Peter Greer, President and CEO of Hope International, a leading provider of microfinancing for underserved communities around the globe. Peter helps us understand the multi-faceted aspects of poverty, that it’s about more than simply the lack of resources. He shares details around Hope International’s commitment to eradicate spiritual poverty, not just financial poverty as the two are inextricably linked. He gives frameworks for addressing all aspects of poverty and shares a bit on what seems to be a “secret weapon” for ensuring kingdom-impact: the power of partnership and collaboration. 

 We hope this week’s episode gives you new insight on how your organization can begin to address poverty in its many forms for kingdom impact. While your organization may not be a microfinance operation, every kingdom endeavor should seek to eradicate the works of the enemy and poverty is one of his chief tools. We’d love to hear how this week’s podcast has impacted your thinking on what’s available to you for the elimination of poverty in your sphere of influence. Drop us a line in the comment section below.

A few useful links to resources mentioned in this episode:

Video with Bishop Hannington

When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert

Resources by Peter Greer:

Rooting for Rivals Podcast

Rooting for Rivals Book

40 for 40

Mission Drift