Podcast Episode 94 - How Should a Christian Let People Go? with Vic Ho of Fivestars

Today features one of our first repeat guests! Vic Ho is the founder of Fivestars—a business with the mission of “transforming transactions into relationships.” He shared a little about what they do, but he also talked about what happened when the start-up hit a rough patch and needed to lay off 50 people. 

We all hit rough patches, and how we handle those is a unique opportunity for us to be different. Vic felt compelled to take a different approach, one that was consistent with the company’s values: humbly admitting his mistakes, honoring the workers’ contributions, and mobilizing the entire firm to help those being displaced. 

Tune in to hear this story, as well as lessons he has learned along the way. As always, thanks for listening!

Useful Links:

Faith & Co Video with Victor Ho


What is the Lifeblood of a Business? Previous Podcast with Vic Ho

Up in the Air - George Clooney shows how NOT to fire people

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