Best Practices

This content was originally published here out of Seattle Pacific University's Initiative called Faith & Co. This is one of many that we share as their business documentaries are world-class!

— by Faith & Co.

How does a company explicitly committed to relationships in business handle laying people off?

Victor Ho founded Fivestars with the mission of “transforming transactions into relationships.” Then the start-up hit a rough patch and needed to lay off 50 people. Best practices suggested handling the lay-offs with surgical precision.  Victor felt compelled to take a different approach that was consistent with the company’s values: humbly admitting his mistakes, honoring the workers’ contributions, and mobilizing the entire firm to help those being displaced. 

Victor will be our guest on tomorrow’s podcast, which will explore this topic in greater depth. Be on the look out for it!


[Special thanks to Faith & Co. for the cover photo]