2020 Conference Video and Audio Sessions

Thank you so much for attending the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Conference. With 2,500 registered from over 25 countries, we are so excited to see how God is working around the world. On this page, you’ll find everything that made the event so great. This is a place for you to rewatch, download, and share your favorite lessons from the day. Above is the main event, start to finish followed by individual videos and audio from every breakout. May this encourage you on your journey.


Pre-Conference Prayer 2020

Lord God, you’re the Creator of the world. You have placed your people in unique callings in every corner of the globe. Not by chance but with design and purpose. From the heart of Nairobi, to the hustle of Jakarta. From Wall Street to Main Street. From Silicon Valley to London to the great state of Texas. You have called us to create...to invent...to shape culture by caring for those around us.

Help us follow in your footsteps. Help us steward your creation. Help us work with you to bring order to a fallen world. We want to invest your resources to bring about your kingdom. The journey isn’t easy. But you haven’t asked us to travel it alone. Thank you for giving us the ever-present comfort of your Holy Spirit. And the hands and feet of your Church in the form of our fellow believers.

Be with us as we rise up...with one voice in many languages. Give us provisions for the journey. Show us when and where and how to steward what you’ve put in our hands.Use us to bring about human flourishing...to redeem what is broken...to proclaim your name in our neighborhoods...loud enough to be heard in the streets of heaven above. May people hear our shouts and know your name. 



Watch the 2020 Main Stage Speakers


Jewel Burks Solomon, Founder of PartPic and Head of Startups at Google, talks about the day after her business was acquired by Amazon, what the process was like, and how reaching this perceived finish line isn't always what an entrepreneur might think.

Lecrae, Christian rapper and entrepreneur, explores the motivations behind success as a faith driven entrepreneur. He talks about performing for acceptance rather than working for God’s glory, and encourages faith driven entrepreneurs to press on in their work for the glory of God and to do so in community with other believers.

Phil Vischer, author, filmmaker, and creator of VeggieTales, shares how the rise and fall of his first “Big Idea” led him to a new understanding of identity and what it means to be rooted in a relationship with Christ. He challenges faith driven entrepreneurs to consider that God’s call on their lives is much more about walking with Him than it is doing things for Him. He explains the importance of knowing your identity is secure in who God is, rather than what you do or your success rate in it.


Jessica Kim, co-founder and CEO of ianacare, shares about some of the tensions of fundraising in entrepreneurship, how to find good partners, and what transparency looks like for both faith driven investors and entrepreneurs. She makes a case for honesty and dialogue between entrepreneur and investor as partners in the entrepreneurial process, encouraging community and unity in the business world.

Andy Crouch, partner for theology and culture at Praxis, shares about the drama of leadership and how to navigate the tensions of authority and vulnerability as a faith driven entrepreneur. Andy presents a 2x2 matrix and explains the surprising reality that “authority and vulnerability go together at the moments of greatest flourishing in our lives,”  and calls entrepreneurs to consider the role of authority, vulnerability, control, and safety.

In session one of the 8-part video series on what it means to be a Faith Driven Entrepreneur, J.D. Greear, Pastor of Summit Church and President of the Southern Baptist Convention, talks about the struggle that many Christians who own businesses have when working outside of the church.


The story of Rob Thomas and Jeff Parker tells a powerful tale of deception, confession, repentance, forgiveness, redemption, and all the messy steps in between. It’s the long, tough road of what it looks like to walk through our brokenness and how each of them stewards their stories to point others to the Gospel. Listen in to hear them both share their side of the story and then talk about it together…

David Morken, chairman, cofounder, and former CEO of Republic Wireless, teaches faith driven entrepreneurs about slaying dragons through innovation and humility. He shares his experience of being “fearlessly terrible,” how it taught him to learn through failure and pursue the right kind of excellence.

Dave Blanchard, co-founder of Praxis, inspires faith driven entrepreneurs and investors to pursue redemptive entrepreneurship--“following the pattern of creative restoration through sacrifice”--as they venture into the business world. He presents a gospel-centered plan encompassing redemptive strategic vision, a biblical operating model, and the value of intentional, sacrificial leadership.


Pete Ochs, founder and chairman of Capital III, responds to questions about innovation in times of trial and building team alignment within a company. He encourages entrepreneurs to embrace trials because they lead to innovation and challenge them to clarify their motivations. He also explains that understanding your “why” needs to be something both the leader and the entire team are in agreement on in order to execute your strategy faithfully.

Casey Crawford, former NFL player-turned-CEO of Movement Mortgage, explained that entrepreneurs need to have faith, because they’re in for a fight. His personal testimony of God calling him to a deeper, authentic commitment to faith-driven entrepreneurship centers around advice he received in high school: “to love is to act in the long-term, best interest of another.” This led to the creation of Movement Mortgage, whose mission both internally and externally is to put this advice into practice. Crawford encourages listeners that while entrepreneurship is a fight, faith driven entrepreneurs have an incredibly powerful advocate.

Building a team is one of the most challenging roles of an entrepreneur. Often times the talent needed is different based on the season. As it scales, the skills needed change. Including where you can best serve. While some might already be familiar with Akola, what you might not be familiar with is how a founder realized her strengths and what would make the best team. Hear Brittany Underwood share the Akola story, her decision to hire Sheeba Philip, and how their CEO-Founder relationship works.


Anthony Tan, co-founder and CEO of Grab, the dominant ride share app for Southeast Asia, shares his heart for creating a company from a place that desires to help people. He discusses the gospel-driven heart, humility, and honor that flows through the company that began with a mission to solve safety concerns for women and children’s mobility in the region.


Jeff Haanen, founder and CEO of the Denver Institute for Faith & Work, challenges listeners to evaluate their perception and treatment of working class laborers and be a part of changing the way the workplace is traditionally segregated between the “professional” and “working class” worlds. He explains that “faith driven entrepreneurs can lead the way in noticing and listening to the working class” and recognize that regardless of profession, all people are image bearers of God.

Victor Ho, co-founder and CEO of Fivestars, shares his wisdom on the value of a Sabbath--of having quiet time, right priorities, and paying attention to anxiety--in order to honor the Lord and give Him the rightful place in all of life, including business. Difficult and counterintuitive as it may seem to take a Sabbath as an entrepreneur, Victor Ho gives clear and powerful examples of the value of honoring this biblical command as a modern day FDE.

Trae Stephens, principal at Founders Fund, and his wife, Dr. Michelle Stephens, share about their faith and work small group in Silicon Valley, and ask listeners to understand the “why,” “how,” and “to what end” of their work. They encourage entrepreneurs, reminding them that they are a part of a great redemption plan, and challenge them to be able to articulate their faith--in the same way they are able to articulate their business model.


Listen to the 2020 Breakout Sessions


Adora Jones | April Anthony | Lara Casey | Donna Harris

Some reports say that women make up as much as 40% of new entrepreneurs. More women are starting ventures than ever before. But that process comes with its own unique set of experiences and challenges. Hear from some of the women who are experiencing this firsthand and see why they’d invite you to join them on the journey.

Rusty Rueff | Brian Mosley | Robert Hudson | David Morken

Over the last few decades, what we knew was true has been reinforced. There's much more to caring for your team than a paycheck. Helping someone be better at home is just as core to helping them be better at work. Listen to former Directors of HR at Pepsi and EA Sports lead a panel of entrepreneurs and innovators developing new ways to care for their team. 

Vip Vipperman | Mike Sharrow | Scott Weiss | Missy Wallace

The idea of ‘bootstraps’ and ‘self-made’ mindset are merely mirages of the entrepreneurial world and somewhat of a false reality. To sustain excellence it takes community, which is exactly how God designed us. What makes the entrepreneurial life tend to be one of isolation? Find out why and how your journey can be different.

Jake Thomsen | Ben Britt | Allison Long Pettine | Mike Asem

What started with a great idea for a business quickly leads into a foreign language for most entrepreneurs when it comes to financing. What are the options to fund the early stages of your venture? What does an ideal cap table look like? And what are the opportunities to be aligned with like minded investors that share your faith driven values? That’s what you’ll learn in this breakout.

William Norvell | Vineet Rajan | Drew Daum | Gio Gallo

Too often we think there are just one or two roads to being an entrepreneur. We think of the lemonade stand kid who hits it big, or maybe we think of the “accidental entrepreneurs”. But not as many know about the idea of a Search Fund, where an entrepreneur enlists investors with the purpose of acquiring a company and dropping in as the new day to day leader. Find out what this path looks like from those who are on it.

Daryl Heald | John Cortines | Pete Ochs | Jonson Sun | Bertie Lourens

When it comes to entrepreneurship, it’s easy to claim ownership over the things we’ve built. But what if life is more than your business, your ideas, and your profits? What if there’s something greater in store if we turn everything in our hands over to the One who already holds it all? See what it means to be God’s Co-Founder and how to work with God’s goods for God’s return.

Luke Roush | Wade Myers | Mike Schneider | Edy Sulistyo

So often we're focused on the start—ensuring the early momentum of our venture. But what does it look like to start with a perspective of the finish line? Learn about small business exit strategies, how investors and entrepreneurs alike can plan for them, and what it looks like to finish well.

Chris Chancey | Brett Hagler

Oftentimes we look at the things on the news as larger than life. Things are so big that we see a gap between where God has us and actually being able to do something about it. Hear from entrepreneurs who are tackling new ways to solve the biggest global challenges in front of them. You'd be surprised how often that journey begins with one faithful step.


Take the Next Step with the Movement


What is Faith Driven Entrepreneur?

Learn about the movement by watching the trailer, reading the marks of a Faith Driven Entrepreneur, and seeing who else is involved.

Watch the New Video Series

Join J.D. Greear and Henry Kaestner as they walk through 8 principles that guide Faith Driven Entrepreneurs while sharing the real-life stories of entrepreneurs living out their faith.

Join the Conversation

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