What Can’t God Do?

At the end of every podcast, we like to ask our guests to share what God has been teaching them in this season of life. This week’s guest is Kelly Shackelford, Esq., President and CEO of First Liberty Institute, the largest legal firm in the nation dedicated exclusively to protecting religious freedom for all Americans.

Deuteronomy 10:17

For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe.

At the moment, I’m just standing back in amazement at what God does. You know, as I said when we came into this, I mean, if you had told me four years ago, hey, can you get rid of that bad case and really free up religious freedom? I would've said probably not in my lifetime. And, you know, three years later this last summer, we just changed history with that case. 

And as we started this Covid-19 journey again, we were like, Lord, you let us have these opportunities. You know, we want to work really hard, but you're the one who provides these things that allow us to do things we can never do on our own. And just in the last three or four weeks, we've just been blown away. I mean, we have a meeting on Monday morning, our prayer meeting as a group with people all over the country. And everybody is looking at each other on Zoom going, how did the Lord just allow us to do that? 

You know, the CARES Act legislation. People don't know this, but every church is allowed to participate and every religious nonprofit. Well, we were able to see that there were some dangers in the act and we were able to get through a protection on the last day that protected every church and every religious nonprofit in the country. 

And they have no idea, you know, that Louisville case we're talking about. It's the first case ever in the history of the country in a pandemic about constitutional freedoms. And it was just a grand slam. And the fact that God let us do that. I mean, you know, every week there's been another miracle. 

It's almost like something we could have never constructed in our own hands, that God just let us have the opportunity. And so that's been I guess, the really the thing I'm kind of sitting back in amazement and just saying, Lord, without you, we really can't do anything. But with you, we can do anything. And if we'll just trust and wait on him, the incredible things we get to do that we could never dream of can start to happen.