Confession and Freedom

by Anne Beiler

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

James 5:16

God's word has always been alive and well in my heart and has really guided me in every step of the way. And I would say the latest revelation, I guess the latest one that currently even to this day happened seven years ago when we sold Auntie Anne's. We then took all the money and put it into the development of a family community center. We bought one hundred twenty five acre farm, spent millions of dollars, put it in the ground, four streets and all that. So 10 years after that, once again, God asked us to surrender everything. And surrender meant sell out and wow, OK, that's a whole big struggle, but he took us to the story of Abraham and Isaac. Well, let me tell you, seven years later, I'm still trying to understand and I'm marinating in that thought of surrender every day. And in that journey, I have learned so much about me. And how much my identity was in other things, my company, my family, my as so many things. But I'm challenged today with the thought that God wants me to give him everything, why? Because he wants to be the Lord of all. And as believers, we sing it, we say it, we believe we have given him all, but this has been a journey that has been probably the most challenging part of my entire life. But I'm finding in this place joy unspeakable. Full of glory. And a place of great contentment and peace that I have never experienced in my life. And that's where it's a really great place to be. Let me tell you, it's a great place to live. Everybody's on their journey. There's not tiers in God's family. It's just a different places on our journey, on the same level or just had different places. I may be at mile marker ninety nine and maybe you're at mile marker thirty three and maybe someone's at mile marker 200, you know where different places in the journey. Why. To bring each other along, to encourage one another and to speak to each other's life openly, transparently stop hiding and pretending. I mean that is the biggest lie of the enemy, is to pretend that you're somebody you're not, you know, be real open, vulnerable to struggles you're facing as an entrepreneur, as a mom, as a dad, as a business owner. Just be real. You know, go to people when you need help, ask questions. Tell them when you're struggling. That's the motto found in James 5:16 Confess your sins to one another talk to each other about what's going on in your life. And that will keep you in a place of freedom. That will take you somewhere that you cannot even imagine. Right now, I'm living in a place of freedom that is indescribable. And the longer I live in this place, the bigger the freedom gets and the brighter the light becomes. Don't ask me to explain it. I can only tell you that's the way it is.