We've made it easy.
Serve the entrepreneurs in your church.

No Cost. No Catch. Giving you the tools to customize a volunteer ministry of discipling your entrepreneurially minded and connecting your mission to your community.


"Dear Pastor"



J.D. GREEAR - Pastor of The Summit in Raleigh, NC


Faith Driven Entrepreneurs are critical to the flourishing of your Church and community.


Leaders in Communities and/or Churches


Give 3x more than Other Christians


64% Establish Community Impact Programs


25% Bring Someone to Faith on a Regular Basis


75% Strengthen the Faith of their Employees


Sources: Generosity Path, Sinapsis


We love the Church


The conversation about Faith and Work has been an ongoing discussion for decades. Tragically, the conversation has existed largely outside of the Church.

Weโ€™re committed to changing that. 

We don't want to be prescriptive. You know your community best. We dream of a day where every Church has their own customized discipling ministry for equipping and connecting entrepreneurs for generations to come. 


No cost.

No catch.




A group of business leaders have come together to start a nonprofit ministry, create tools, and give them away for you. We do not reach out asking for donations. The operations of the ministry are fully funded for the next few decades by generous donors. 

Finances aren't the only barrier we are removing. Too often we think launching a ministry requires new staff members and a pastor's time. We've made this easy to use and completely volunteer led.


Join a group. Lead a group.


Join a Group

We have hundreds of groups happening online and in-person. Join one to experience the study yourself and consider how to bring it to your church.


Lead a Group

Be the spark to connect and disciple the entrepreneurs in your church. Our team will support and equip you all along the way!


Start a Conversation


 Schedule a 15 minute call to get your questions answered. 

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To help you on your journey we will give you a copy of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur book with JD Greear, Chip Ingram, Henry Kaestner and Lecrae.

Available to anyone interested in starting a group at your local church.


Find a Group in Your City

Faith Driven Entrepreneur might be a global organization, but our groups are local. We seek to strengthen ties between entrepreneurs in every city in the world. If you're located in the US, browse groups by major metro area. Or browse the entire group index.