Cambridge, England








As the business pastor of a multi-campus church in the UK, Rob Allin had his hands full ministering to marketplace leaders in his community.

In 2019, he started gathering business people together to work out how they could better live out their faith in their workplaces. After three years of meeting, everyone felt a desire for something deeper.


“The group had been great but we needed some new life into it. We had tried a few resources, but they all felt a bit dated.”


Rob had heard about Faith Driven Entrepreneur through the podcast and social media. He even attended the conference and a live, local event. At each stage, the content impressed him, so he previewed the video series to see if it would fit his group.


“The material is top quality and speaks into some great areas that I believe is important for all marketplace Christians to understand.”


Rob has now led various members of his church through four groups and is excited to see those numbers grow. For him, the most rewarding part is the conversation that comes with each gathering.

“I think I get something out of every session, even after I have seen it multiple times, and the discussion and hearing everyone’s perspective is a great blessing.”


Since partnering with Faith Driven Entrepreneur, C3 Cambridge has been able to:

Find the fresh, new resources they were searching for

Reach their marketplace Christians with top quality content

Have deep, meaningful conversation in their gatherings


-Rob Allin, Business Pastor, C3 Cambridge