Phoenix Business Groups

Phoenix vista

It’s time to take your business to the next level. It’s time to refocus on your life’s purpose – following God’s voice to create an excellent business. Entrepreneurs and business leaders in Phoenix are realizing that Faith Driven Entrepreneur business groups are meeting a deep need for connection and support.

And you’re invited.

Over eight weeks, you’ll get to know other business owners and entrepreneurs in the Phoenix area. You’ll discuss everything from faith to business operations. We work hard to make sure every one of our business groups – which we host all around the world – are stimulating, inviting, and refreshing. Our mission is to connect people like you with like-minded communities in Phoenix and across the world.

Our business groups are driven by faith. It’s in our DNA. We’re calling all faith driven entrepreneurs and professionals to hit the button below and sign up for our next group.


Phoenix Business Groups. Why join?

Simply put, there aren’t enough supports for entrepreneurs. Sure, you can join yet another marketing webinar, but we’re talking about spiritual and emotional supports. Where do you turn when you’re forced to lay off half your workforce or when higher borrowing rates are slashing growth projections in half?

Faith Driven Entrepreneur is creating spaces where Phoenix entrepreneurs and business leaders can share their experiences. In one of our business groups, you can ask the tough questions and find encouragement from people who have been in your shoes.

We want you to rediscover the joy of creating. And if you already feel optimistic about your business, then we want you to share that energy with others. 

We ask these questions and more in our Phoenix business groups. 

Phoenix Business Groups Provide Incredible Benefits to Entrepreneurs

  • Meet potential mentors. Embrace new mindsets

    We encourage you to bring your unique perspective to the group. The same goes for everyone else. If you’re wrestling with a tough question or experience, there’s a good chance that someone else has an answer. If a conversation needs to go longer, ask other participants to get coffee outside group time.

  • Explore deep issues of business and faith

    Our Phoenix business groups are so popular because where else do you have the opportunity to talk about business and faith with other entrepreneurs? The chance to go deeper – that’s our main differentiator. Common questions include, “How do I minister to employees while still respecting professional boundaries?” “Why am I feeling depressed in my current role?” “Why am I struggling while other entrepreneurs seem to be enjoying so much success?”

  • Discover an entire library of entrepreneur resources

    Faith Driven Entrepreneur doesn’t end with our business groups. That’s just the starting line. From podcasts to year-long groups, we equip leaders like you to continue developing your skills and faith. But first, you’ll want to join one of our Foundation Groups.

Phoenix businessmen in a group

How is a Phoenix Business Group Structured?

  • Sign up for an 8-week course

    Foundation Groups are where most people begin their Faith Driven Entrepreneur journey. These groups meet for eight weeks and are usually led by another business owner in the community. 

  • Groups are limited to 10-15 participants

    We intentionally aim to keep groups to 10-15 other business owners. This leads to high-quality conversations and meaningful networking. Groups are never allowed to get too large. Some of our groups are hosted online but most are in-person. Either way, we bring together entrepreneurs from specific cities like Phoenix.

  • Each session is structured around a short video.

    Each session is based on one of our professional-grade videos. These videos deliver an entertaining combination of story and insight. Get to know an entrepreneur who is doing innovative work in business and faith. Then our hosts, Henry Kaestner and JD Greear, provide rich insights into the week’s topics. Explore the video series here

Are There Fees for a Phoenix Business Group?

Faith Driven Entrepreneur is an organization that is supported by donors and secondary revenue streams. We are extremely thankful to local business owners who volunteer to facilitate our Phoenix business groups. Thankfully, our business groups are free to join. Please know that our groups are not meant to be lead generators for your business. There are other networking communities better suited to that purpose.

Doing Business in Phoenix. A Brief Overview.

Phoenix is America’s fifth largest city and has recently been one of the fastest-growing metroplexes, too. Data suggest that the city will surpass 5 million residents in the next few years, and that growth will inevitably spur on countless business opportunities.

What’s spurring this economic boom?

For one, the state boasts a relaxed regulatory environment. If you want to start a business in Arizona, you’ll face less red tape compared to other states. The state also has many tax incentives available to entrepreneurs. The city is also home to many well-known companies, adding stability to the economy while increasing revenues. Phoenix-based companies you may know include Sprouts Farmer’s Market, GoDaddy, and other billion-dollar investment and tech companies.

But the trend is clear: Phoenix’s projected employment growth over the next decade (2020-2030) is 15%, compared to the national average of 7%. 

What are the risks to doing business in Phoenix? A headline reads, “Phoenix in bottom half among U.S. cities with profitable businesses.” Startups without proven business plans may struggle to scale effectively. Some commentators also worry about city sprawl, leading to a disconnected corporate environment.

In the end, millions of entrepreneurs and business leaders call Phoenix home. It’s time that you found your place - in business and God’s kingdom. Let’s discuss what it means to be a creative entrepreneur, someone who uses their business talents to build value and love others in the process.

PhoenixFaith Driven Team