Tampa, FL








Ralph Willis started the first Business Leaders Group at Radiant Church in 2019, and spent the first few years compiling the curriculum and discussion guides himself. Once he was introduced to Faith Driven Entrepreneur, he brought the content to his existing group of 30 entrepreneurs.


“We did the eight week Foundation course and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. And so through that, we structured a model that we would use in our small group.”


By the Fall of 2022, the group saw significant growth as the church began to promote the group and open it to more members.


“Our pastor said the feedback has been so positive from these business leaders. I want to put it in every campus and so I want to start a group in every campus.”


So, at the beginning of 2023, they expanded their offering across multiple campuses by having some who had gone through the Foundation Series lead a new group. Quickly, they saw significant growth in their attendance.

“We’re now averaging over 125 attendees in aggregate in our weekly groups, and I attribute the Faith Driven Entrepreneur content, coupled with experienced leaders, as the reason for the success.”


The church has no plan of slowing down, either. They’re planning on adding more groups in the next cohort and are expanding their offerings to serve even more of their community.


Since partnering with Faith Driven Entrepreneur, Radiant Church has been able to:

Connect its business leaders throughout the church

Form new groups across multiple campuses

Further serve entrepreneurs in their community


-W. Ralph Willis, Entrepreneur and Member, Radiant Church