Ministry in Deed


Wake Up Call
James and Carine Ruder


As a leader, God has given you the awesome responsibility and opportunity to show your employees love and kindness. In this video, produced by Faith & Co., we share the story of James and Carine from L&R Pallet Services who navigated near-failure and ruinous betrayal by seeing their employees in a new light. 

Discussion Questions

A New Heart 

Ezekiel 36:26 says “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”  Because we are given the heart of God we can see with new eyes, hear with new ears, and feel with a new spirit. 

  • Have you asked God for a new perspective of your employees or your clients? How might you better see them, hear them, understand them this week? 

  • Are there ways that you can slow down and get to know your employees or clients better? 

How to Keep Good People

L&R Pallet had a 300% turnover. This begs the question, how do we keep good people? Or maybe a better question to ask is, how do we make sure the people we bring on are a good fit from the beginning?

  • More than the tasks they need to accomplish—of course they need to be qualified to do them and do them well—more than the tasks alone, what kind of person are you looking for? 

  • Will their gifts and talents complement others on your team? Will they make up for your shortcomings while also amplifying your strengths? Are you willing to let them be everything God has created them to be? Not just from a talents and skills standpoint, but from the very core of who they are and how they operate?

  • And then once they are on your team, will you actively involve yourself in their lives? Will you invite them to be a part of your life?

Caring for Employees

Like L&R Pallet, we can provide chaplain support in the workplace. Take a look at our list of Top Chaplaincy Tools for support. 

  • What can you do to be there for your employees, at work and at home?



Ideas to Explore the Mark Further

Looking for some practical ways to put this mark into action? Here are some ideas that can help you develop an even greater understanding of Ministry in Deed.

  • As leaders, we need to realize that we cast a long shadow in our companies. Our words and our actions have a large impact on the well-being of your team. Consider, what does your leadership shadow look like today? Here are some guiding questions to ask:

    • What values are expressed in your language/communication? How do your actions align with what you say? How do your company’s measurements align with those values?

    • How can you intentionally shape your shadow to create a culture of active service and ministry?

  • Part of Ministry in Deed is providing resources and opportunities for financial, physical, and spiritual wellbeing to your employees. You can consider doing that by improving your supply chain, providing a financial management course, hiring a chaplain, or slowing down to get to know your employees and ask good questions.

  • You can get your company involved in blessing your local community by setting up regular service days, or by creating a company fund to help those in need. Consider partnering with local non-profits or your local church to see how your company might come alongside great existing programs.

Anna Kwee