Identity in Christ


Band of Misfits


Xendit was the first Indonesian company to go through the Y Combinator's accelerator program. At Xendit, founder Moses Lo has brought together a band of misfits and underdogs who don’t look like they fit the part. But in collaboration together, they perform excellent work to change their part of the world. Now, Xendit provides payment infrastructure across Indonesia and the Philippines.

Discussion Questions

Culture of Camaraderie 

When asked about the culture at Xendit, Moses said, “The biggest part is some idea around people are willing to help no matter who they are or who I am. People will always step up and give the time of day. There’s a sense of collegiality and camaraderie… “ 

  • How would your employees describe the culture in your company? 

  • What might you nurture an environment of camaraderie where people are able to help out and support one another? 

In Partnership With Your Employees

In Genesis 2:18, God says, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” We were created to be in partnership with others. 

  • As founders, leaders, and directors of our companies, how can we consider ourselves as partners to our teams?

Anna Kwee