In Partnership

The Funeral of the Lone Wolf

One of the most unifying experiences in life is to go through a battle with another human being. And business is a battle. It’s hard. It’s challenging. Each day brings its own difficulties. But those trenches can create an unbreakable sense of unity that can be used to bring joy, purpose, and practical benefit to your life and your work.

Having a business partner who you can turn to and just be honest with changes the way you approach business. When things are great, they share the joy of achievement. And when things are terrible, they’re the one person that you don’t have to convince that things aren’t as bad as they look.

Your partner gets to know the inner workings of the business as well as you do. And when that type of professional transparency occurs, it can lead to a deeper personal vulnerability that is like a salve for your soul.

We have the chance to link arms with someone who shares a relationship with Christ and who wants to see His name glorified in all things. When that motivation lies behind two or more people leading a business, there are no limits to where the work can go.

That’s the power of partnership. That’s the power of working together with a shared faith toward a common goal.

Partnership also comes in many forms. While many times it can be a group of Co-founders it can be like-minded investors or a group of advisors. Perhaps it’s from a Community Group, CEO Group of deeply committed believers that feel strapped to the mast with you to accomplish the mission and purposes of God for your venture. Whether it’s with co-founders or in the company of other communities it’s putting to death the Lone Wolf mindset of going father alone.

Scripture references:

  • For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. - Matthew 18:20

  • Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. - Ecclesiastes 4:12

  • Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. 7 Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits. - Mark 6:6-7

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