Part of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Network



Christian CEO Peer-Advisory Groups and Executive Coaching

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 History & Overview

Founded in 1996 by Brian Thatcher and a group of five CEOs and business owners, Convene was created to meet a vital need. God gave Brian and his partners a passion for successful business leaders that were isolated and lacked the tools, support and relationships they needed to build profitable businesses. At the same time, they helped them integrate their faith with their work to make a great Kingdom impact.

Convene is a trusted community of Christian business leaders who meet monthly in peer-advisory teams across the world. Together, Convene members process opportunities and challenges, share priceless information from personal experience with each other, and grow in their faith through Christian executive learning content.

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Focus & Impact

Convene’s mission is to connect, equip and inspire Christian CEOs and business owners to grow exceptional businesses and become higher-impact leaders to honor God. Through a community of peer-to-peer advisory teams, executive coaching and world-class consulting, we work with Christian CEOs and business owners to impact the Life of a Leader, leading to an ultimate Kingdom legacy.

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Success Stories

  • 97% of Members attribute transformation in their business, life and faith to their Convene experience

  • 85% of Convene Member companies outperform other companies in their industry


Becoming a Steward Owner

Are you stuck solving day-to-day problems that other people in your organization should be handling? That time is taking you away from strategic vision work that will provide long-lasting solutions and value to your organization. Listen to Elyas Balta’s story about going from working in the business to working on the business with the help of his Convene Team.


Overcoming Analysis Paralysis

Decisiveness is important, and your inability to decide may be costing your company money, whether you know it or not. Scott Hollrah of Venn Technology learned this lesson quickly when he struggled to let go of an employee that clearly wasn’t a fit. Listen to his story of overcoming “analysis paralysis” with the help of his Chair.


Uncovering Blind Spots

As a leader you will always have blind spots that won’t be recognized until you step into a community of supportive peers. Molly Nocon of Noah Homes learned invaluable information about her leadership style through the onboarding process with Convene. Her story highlights the assessments you would receive as you begin your Convene journey.

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