Chris Melendez

Fintech Consultant at Thrivent Financial

Chris Melendez has been on an amazing journey with God. He grew up privileged to be a pastor's kid, so he can't remember a time he didn't know the Lord. Married at 19 and with three kids by 23, Chris and his wife Julie learned early in life the need to be completely dependent on Christ while working diligently to make things happen. He discovered God feeds the birds . . . but He doesn't drop the worm in the nest. 

Chris spent 10 years at American Express and then five years building a fintech startup. After selling the company, he was introduced to the folks at Thrivent Financial where he is currently building out a philosophy and system to help Christians steward their finances well. His three kids are all married and live in the Atlanta area. He has one grandchild and one on the way.