Business As Mission—or BAM—is a movement designed to help business men and women understand God’s redemptive work through business in the world. And we have some top resources to share with you, the Faith Driven Entrepreneur.


#1 Business as Mission

The Business as Mission website is designed to be a ‘one stop shop’ for BAM resources. Birthed out of a collaboration between BAM Global and the Business as Mission Resource Team, the website aims to both curate existing resources, and create new ones.

The BAM Resource Library is an online list of business as mission related books, videos, links, articles, courses, events and stories. The BAM Review Blog posts new material weekly online and sends out an email twice a month with resource recommendations and a digest of blog articles. 


#2 BAM Global

The mission of BAM Global is to enrich and invigorate the business as mission movement, resulting in a significant increase in the quantity and quality of businesses and business people involved in God’s mission to the world — the whole church, taking the whole gospel, to the whole world. BAM Global is connecting a global network of BAM-related companies, agencies, institutions, incubators, investors, and churches. It convenes Consultations and publishes Reports on business as mission topics and will host the BAM Global Congress, 29 April to 3 May 2020.



Mats Tunehag is a speaker, writer and consultant from Sweden and has worked in about half the countries of the world. For the last 20 years he has had a special focus on developing the Business as Mission concept as well as national, regional and global strategic alliances of people and BAM initiatives. Mats regularly blogs on business as mission and has BAM materials translated into 16 languages on his website.


#4 BAM Training

BAM Training helps people take the next step on their BAM journey by offering Conferences and Courses on business as mission. BAM Training hosts a three day BAM Conference in the USA each Fall and in Europe in Spring. They also offer a one or two week modular BAM Course that lays strong foundations for future business as mission involvement; plus a five month Business Discipleship Training School focused on spiritual formation and the call to business.


#5 IBEC Ventures

IBEC Ventures offers Business as Mission Consulting, Coaching and Training. IBEC helps build sustainable businesses through consultative expertise that changes lives and transforms communities. They envision an increasing number of small-medium sustainable Kingdom businesses with a special emphasis on areas that are both economically impoverished and spiritually unreached. 

IBEC is a team of seasoned Christ-following business pros from a variety of industries and functional backgrounds, passionate about using their gifts and experience to serve His kingdom.

Other Resources We Recommend


Transformational SME

Transformational SME is a global community which assists Christian-led small-to-medium size enterprises (SMEs) to grow in size, profitability and wholistic impact in the Arab world and Asia. Their wholistic impact touches the whole person, including financial, spiritual and emotional wellbeing, while at the same time making a positive impact on society.

TSME primarily offers mentoring, training and investment, partnering with a private Christian investment fund which supports the growth of Christian owned and managed SMEs across North Africa, the Middle East and Asia.


Partners Worldwide

Partners Worldwide encourages, equips and connects business and professional people in global partnerships that grow enterprises and create sustainable jobs. They facilitate long term business to business partnerships, mentoring opportunities, overseas trips and internships. They provide online training materials and run regular events.


Many more BAM organizations and resources are listed in the Business as Mission Resource Library.