John Hightower

CEO | Arch + Tower

John Hightower is the CEO of Arch + Tower | an FD Company . John co-founded the company and led the firm from inception through acquisition. Arch + Tower has served firms across various industries and sizes, notably Chick-fil-A and alongside the Founder of the Ritz-Carlton - Horst Schulze. In 2019, Arch + Tower was acquired by Frazier & Deeter, a national ranked accounting firm, with offices across the United States and a budding footprint in the United Kingdom. John has worked with leading brands in their respective industries: SAP, Ritz-Carlton, Coca-Cola, Leadercast, Chick-fil-A, Spanx, Home Depot, McDonald’s as well as many start-ups and nonprofits. John is active in the faith community serving on the Wisdom Hunters Board of Directors as well as Viva's North American Board. He is active in his local church serving within the Men’s, Missions and Small Business/Entrepreneur Ministries. John, his beautiful bride Bethany and two daughters reside in the Greater Atlanta Area, GA. John is an honor graduate from Georgia Tech, received his MBA from Auburn University and certificate in Entrepreneurship Essentials from the Harvard Business School.