Dealing with COVID-19 as Faith Driven Entrepreneurs

This content was originally shared to C12 Group’s members and friends. We are grateful to Mike for allowing us to share this with you as you think about leading during an uncertain time.

— by Mike Sharrow

When we (C12 Group) first began to release information, resources and guidance on playing offense in regards to COVID-19 in February there were some reports of “what’s the big deal, it’s not effecting my city, business, industry.”  Those delusions are quickly fading.  As a global economy, human race, and universal Church everyone is and will be effected in one way or another.  Please be diligent to review all resources summarized previously in the knowledge base sharing in this Connect post.

By means of update, allow me to share some things you should know as we serve faith driven entrepreneurs with vigilance.  Is the glass half full or half empty? Well, there’s water in it and let’s deal with it.  There are costs and consequences to all action and inaction.  There is public health, personal wellbeing, business stewardship, social wellbeing, present versus future costs, disruption versus delayed and a host of other polarity implications. 


Faithful Leadership Anchored in Eternal Perspective

  1. This is a novel crisis but not entirely unique. There’s much perspective to be gained from the timeline exhortation of CS Lewis who in the 1940s spoke into a world freaking out about the advent of atomic/nuclear threats.  Check out this written / dramatized / illustrated synopsis of his articulate “Living in an Atomic Age.”

  2. How we respond in crisis reveals much of what we believe.  Consider – BreakpointBreakpoint 2Praying Through Disaster5 Responses by Billy Graham, Notes from Previous CrisisBible on ChaosBible on Peace in CrisisApologetics in SufferingPainful TransitionsMinistry in Crisis Stories

  3. Running Toward the Plague – article

  4. C12 Group’s February curriculum was unbelievable providential in timing.

    • The videos for February are apropos for review with C12 Members, Prospects and encouraged for them to share with their teams.  There is now a resurgence of media coverage on the neuroscience addressed in those segments around the need for connection, for perspective, for clear communication and action in times of uncertainty or chaos. 

    • The March content and videos are also appropriate for helping Entrepreneurs seize business opportunities and ministry wins.  The April content will only further build upon that as will May.  NOW is the time for courageous leaders to be in a group dealing with real issue with real resources, seeking real wisdom to get real results!  The need for perspective and a safe place is heightened in such times (blog).

  5. If you are struggling to prioritize time with the Living God, Sovereign Over even a chaotic world, inviting them into the lifestyle is timely and I’m already getting reports from people newly engaging the practice

  6. Chaplains – now is a time to think through when Chaplains may be needed even on interim basis to help a company going through crisis, anxiety, layoffs, cutbacks, uncertainty. 

    • The grief and range of emotions is more than a CEO can address while navigating the business through turbulence, but the ministry opportunity can be huge.  Be in close coordination with your local chaplain leadership on opportunities to respond to your needs, your key players and even workforces. 

    • What if the crisis of 1 company was “worth it” for the gospel?  It would seem Jesus was willing to wreck the economy of a local village to set one crazy person free – but not everyone agreed with the price tag Jesus was willing to employ (story).


Economic Considerations 

  1. There is a flurry of federal deliberation and much anticipation of passage of stimulus relief programs awaiting ratification at any moment – draft language + developing story

  2. C12 participated in the ITR Economics Webinar hosted today.  Here is an unofficial synopsis of key take-aways

  3. Entrepreneurs facing liquidity problems should explore the prudence of applying earlier than later for this new SBA program.  There will be a significant queuing factor so FIFO principle applies. 

  4. 10 Reasons NOT to Panic (but still respond)

  5. Every entrepreneur should be proactively evaluating implications – HBR Article

  6. Excellent broad analysis and consideration of sector-specific scenarios by McKinsey

  7. Eventide, a leading faith-based mutual fund company had their CIO (a physician by training) do a very helpful overview on the matter with pragmatic perspective

    • They are seeing a surge of people investing not withdrawing which is an indication of long term returns.

  8. Joel Thomas, C12 Member in DC and CEO of Spin Global gave this candid update on perspective

  9. Lessons from Chinese companies early in the impact curve – HBR Article

  10. There’s a proliferation of data…accurate, partial, biased, helpful and everything in-between.  This visualization is helpful.

  11. OSHA guidance on COVID-19 (Bloomberg commentary here

    1. Here’s a working example of 1 C12 member company’s policy response)


In chaos there are predators.  Consider, for instance, the anticipated surge in scams and cyber-security ploys in light of the decreased scrutiny and vulnerability such times cultivate .  Be vigilant!

How can we brainstorm ways for innovation to be born in the midst of adversity?  Consider this case of how a previously highlighted restaurant owner in Seattle, Canlis, seized an opportunity to be a light in their city and to preserve employment for their staff .   With schools closing, events cancelled, supply chains disrupted, whether an entrepreneur is directly impacted or not, leading them to think through needs and thus opportunities to rally together in serving families at risk, the vulnerable in communities most harmed and playing offense is an opportunity to demonstrate the Gospel radiantly in these times.  We will be releasing a print-friendly risk assessment tool based upon the 5 Point Alignment Matrix early next week.  One C12 Group stopped their meeting to call a member in distress, have him share and then prayed as a group with him live from the meeting this week.  The power, connection and engagement of the Group will be evident now!  How can we help others identity ways to advance in this storm, seizing opportunities to serve customers, markets and communities in unprecedented ways?  

Remember … we serve those who serve others in need.  The time a leader MOST needs oxygen, perspective, support, peers, a rallying team of eternal perspective speaking into them and invoking confident prayers to a Living God is when the world is convulsing.  Parents have questions, vulnerable families are facing targeted unemployment, business models will have to innovate, at risk populations will need served, ministries will need collective impact strategies locally, a lost world will be looking at Christian leaders NOW more than ever.  The demands upon a leader causing them to either lean into self or into abiding in Christ will be acute. 

We’re called to this.  This is the time to which we are called.  We are called to stand.  We are called to hope, truth, powerful discipline and leadership.  The Kingdom of God is never at risk


[Special thanks to visuals on Unsplash for the cover photo]