Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Joyfully Generous

In this session, Henry invites us to seek out ways to be cheerful givers who are joyfully generous with others. Discuss these 3 questions:

  1. A generous spirit is what we’re called to as Christians. But perhaps not how one might expect. In Paul’s second letter to the Cornithians, he writes that “God loves a cheerful giver.” What does it look like when you give cheerfully?

  2. To be joyful in our giving, we need first to be open-handed with our money and resources. What are some practical ways you can be joyful givers?

  3. Going even one step further is to be radical in our giving. This invites us to be creative. What personal ways can you give radically? Share about a time when you gave radically and how it affected you, your business, or your loved ones.

This guide is intended for personal reflection and to help facilitate a meaningful group discussion. Take a moment to watch the video and read over the guide before your group meeting. Be prepared with some personal examples to help encourage discussion. If helpful, before you meet, print out or email a copy of this guide to all those who will attend the meeting.

5 Ideas to Explore the Mark Further

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Entrepreneur. What we provide below are five ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of our God-given call to create. 

  1. Journal: Have you spent much of your life giving out of obligation or compulsion? What would it look like for you to be a cheerful giver? Explore this invitation from God and how it might change the way you look at generosity.

  2. Interact: This month, seek out ways to be a cheerful giver who is joyfully generous with others out of an abundance of gratitude and thanksgiving to God.

  3. Consider: Money is a big part of life. So big, that we don’t always realize how much we are affected by it. Journey of Generosity is a small group gathering online or in-person that explores living with Jesus-like generosity in your marriage, your relationships, and your whole life. Learn more here

  4. Act Differently: Do you have a plan for how you will give? Too often we rely only on giving in the moment. And yet, having a clear vision for how you will be generous can be just as effective—and perhaps even more reliable. Develop a plan for how you will be cheerful, joyful, and radical with your time, treasure, and talents.

  5. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Entrepreneur Podcast.

Entrepreneurs can travel a lonely road. But you’re not alone. You’re sitting next to a group of like-minded business owners right now. One of the best ways to grow the Faith Driven Movement is to multiply your group.

Is someone in your group ready to raise his or her hand to start a Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group at a local church? Apply at