Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Connected to the Global Church

Tom Nelson, president of Made to Flourish, realized that he was performing pastoral malpractice. You’ll watch the story of how something profound shifted. Then your group will discuss these 3 questions:

  1. What would it look like for us to lean into this idea that we can be a part of something bigger than ourselves?

  2. What are ways you can conduct your business locally while still having a global mission? Or do you feel like God is calling your business to be in partnership with people around the world?

  3. How does your perspective change knowing that you are part of something much bigger than yourself? How might you spark this global movement in your local community?

This guide is intended for personal reflection and to help facilitate a meaningful group discussion. Take a moment to watch the video and read over the guide before your group meeting. Be prepared with some personal examples to help encourage discussion. If helpful, before you meet, print out or email a copy of this guide to all those who will attend the meeting.

5 Ideas to Explore the Mark Further

There’s no limit to the ways you can explore the Marks of a Faith Driven Entrepreneur. What we provide below are five ideas we think might lead each one of us to an even greater understanding of our God-given call to create.

  1. Journal: Write down a few ways that you unnecessarily separate secular from sacred. In what ways do you limit church to a building or a location? How might you begin to take ownership of your role in the global church?

  2. Interact: This month, research ways that you can answer the call to be the church no matter where you work, live, or worship. How might you embrace the idea that church is eternal and not limited by time or space? How does your perspective change as a result?

  3. Consider: During today’s video session, Henry encourages us to use our call to create as a way to faithfully follow God’s lead. To bring people together. What would it look like for us if there was no separation between secular and sacred and we began to see God’s presence all around us and at every turn?

  4. Act Differently: How are you neglecting the very thing that God is calling us to—the church? He called it into existence for a reason. Like him, we are made to be in community with one another and with him. And we can only go further together. How might you go “all in” with a global community of faith?

  5. Learn From Others: Visit to learn more or join the conversation by listening to our weekly Faith Driven Entrepreneur Podcast.

Entrepreneurs can travel a lonely road. But you’re not alone. You’re sitting next to a group of like-minded business owners right now. One of the best ways to grow the Faith Driven Movement is to multiply your group.

Is someone in your group ready to raise his or her hand to start a Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group at a local church? Apply at