Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Dallas Business Groups

Faith Driven Entrepreneur helps innovators like you find the business groups and mentorship you need to thrive. CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners are welcome! We connect Christ-following entrepreneurs in Dallas/Fort Worth and around the world in order to fulfill their God-given call to create. If faith driven is a term you’d use to describe yourself as a business owner, then you’re in the right place.

Why Join One of Our Business Groups?

You might be feeling alone, isolated, and confused in your endeavor… but it doesn’t have to be that way. Support is available, and you’ll find it in a Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group.

Or you might be excited about a new company you’re starting and want to meet with other believers to confirm and affirm your priorities. 

Or you simply want to belong to a community of entrepreneurs who pray together and give glory to God. There are many reasons to join one of our business groups in Dallas/Fort Worth.

What to Expect from A Dallas/Fort Worth Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group

  • Receive business mentoring from established entrepreneurs

    You’ll meet business professionals at every stage of the entrepreneurial journey. The people who join our groups work for newly minted startups, well-established household brands, and everything in between.

  • Make meaningful connections with other business owners

    In a Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group, you’ll be challenged to talk about deep topics. What are you struggling with? How can we best serve our employees and customers in a Christ-like way? Are we making idols of money and success? This is the place where trusted allies are made and friendships are forged.

  • Explore what it means to be faith-driven as a CEO

    Other business owner networking groups are focused on building leads and marketing services. That’s not what Faith Driven Entrepreneur is about. Instead, Faith Driven Entrepreneur exists to help shape the innovators who are shaping our culture to know God and look more like Him. In this way, our business groups are much more relational than traditional networking groups.

How is a Dallas/Fort Worth Group Structured?

  • Commit to an 8-week course

    If you’ve never been part of a Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group, then you’ll be joining one of our Foundation Groups. These groups meet for eight weeks and are usually led by another business owner in the community. 

  • Meet 10-15 other business owners in Dallas/Fort Worth

    We are very intentional about the size of our groups. We aim to have 10-15 people in each cohort since this number allows everyone the chance to speak while also providing a diversity of thought and opinion.

  • Watch and discuss a short video once a week

    Each session is based on one of our highly-professional videos. In each video, we highlight an entrepreneur doing God’s will somewhere in the world. Then our hosts, Henry Kaestner and JD Greear, provide rich insights into the week’s topics. Explore the video series here

  • Discover more CEO networking and mentorship opportunities afterward

    These business owner groups are just seeds that we hope will grow into an incredibly rich network of relationships in Dallas/Fort Worth and beyond. Once you wrap up your group, your leader will show you other ways you can get connected to the Faith Driven Entrepreneur community.

Are There Fees for a Dallas/Fort Worth Business Group?

Faith Driven Entrepreneur is generously funded by donors and supporters. Volunteers also give of their time to lead our groups. This means business groups are free to join. Please know that our groups are not meant to be lead generators for your business. There are other networking communities better suited to that purpose. We firmly believe in a no cost, no catch commitment to these groups. That way you can focus all of your attention on connection.

A Bird's Eye View of the Dallas Business Environment

Dallas is home to some of the world’s leading companies spanning IT to air travel. For example, you’re probably familiar with Texas Instruments, Southwest Airlines, and AT&T. In recent years, the entire state of Texas has experienced an economic boom that seems unlikely to slow any time soon. 

In fact, The Dallas Morning News reported, “Dallas was second only to New York City in terms of overall job growth.” Average income is also $6,553 greater than the US median household income. And being home to nearly 8 million people, Dallas Fort Worth never runs out of business opportunities.

However, these sunny economic indicators don’t always mean blue skies for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business owners. You might be wondering how a smaller firm like you can compete with global juggernauts. With such a fast pace of job growth, how do you attract and keep your best talent?

Perhaps you’re wondering how to escape the materialism of Dallas culture and keep God at the forefront of all you do.

The Dallas Fort Worth Faith Driven Entrepreneur Group will help you sort out what it means to be a business owner in Dallas Fort Worth. Bring your questions. Bring your passion. It’s time for some great conversations.