Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Christ in Current Events

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At the end of every podcast, we like to ask our guests to share what God has been teaching them in this season of life. This week’s guest is Don Flow , he is owner and CEO of Flow Automotive Companies, including 30 dealerships and more than 800 employees.

Philippians 2:6-7

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness

In the early 1970s there was the first generation to go to integrated schools in the South. And something that has really stirred my heart that I've been deeply engaged in in the last year has been looking at racial reconciliation and specifically at the way that churches in the South are not engaged with one another. 

And for me, it's been great to kind of visit again. All of Paul's language, it really challenges to say, what does it mean to be members one of another and to be connected to one another, to imagine ourselves for eternity, really, as members, you know, organically and deeply connected and to cross over those boundaries in life and to say what does that look like in this moment of time for Christians to extend themselves? 

And I think about Jesus being described by Paul in Philippians as emptying himself and really extending himself in ways that brought light to all of us. And so in my life, that really feels like something very important that we need to be doing as Christians in this time, and particularly those of us who have wide networks that we could enable people to access those who don't have access. 

And what does it look like for those of us who are sitting in places that could really extend themselves in a way that would bring healing and break down barriers? And my hope is that we're in a time where there might be kind of this new light that would come back into our churches and we might indeed see ourselves as people who are giving witness or ambassadors for this reconciling work of Christ in the world. 

So that's really something for me when I look at the racial divide and the issues of intergenerational poverty and think about where do those of us who have means kind of engage? I love thinking through what specifically does it look like for me to extend myself as a human to where I might live, love and bring hope to the world.