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Book Review: "Work" by Daniel M. Doriani

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This review was originally published here at Coram Deo, the official blog of Bill Pence

— by Bill Pence

Work: It’s Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation by Daniel M. Doriani. P&R Publishing. 248 pages. 2019.

I have read a few dozen books on work, integrating faith and work, taking our faith to work, etc. This new book by Dan Doriani, a respected seminary professor (who I enjoyed two classes with at Covenant Seminary), pastor and theologian, may be the best yet. It is comprehensive, grounded in Scripture, and at times, challenging. (See my article about some of those challenges.)  It covers some aspects of work that I have not found in others’ books in the genre.

The author, who told me that the book has been 18 years in the making, has interviewed hundreds of people about their work over the years, either while working on this book, or as the pastor of a local church. His aim in the book is to engage all who want to practice love and justice in their work. He states that he especially writes for two kinds of people. The first kind doubts the value of their labor. The second kind of person is one who yearns to do significant work, and dares to think their work can change their corner of the world.
The author grounds all work in the person and work of the triune God. He also has twelve principles that guide the book, with one principle standing behind them all. He writes that a biblical theology of work begins with the character of God.

Read more of Bill’s review here!


[Special thanks to The Gospel Coalition for the cover photo]