Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Honoring what is Eternal in our Team

by Henry Kaestner

When people ask me what I mean by a "faith driven entrepreneur"....the types of people that we look to serve here at FDE,  I talk about the intentionality of the leader to run a business for the glory of God.  Knowing that that answer often comes across as too ambiguous, I typically follow it up with the following:

"They are people that are willing to share with others "why" they do what they do...that they do business to honor God, they ask if it's ok to pray with their employees they know are going through crisis, and they oftentimes have a corporate chaplain."  This answer is waaay too simplistic, and yet it gets at some common attributes.  This video gets at one of those 3.  It's delivered by Casey Crawford, the CEO of Movement Mortgage, a mortgage company with more than 4,000 employees across 47 states.  He's done business with God at the core, and at scale.  He can't recommend chaplaincy more, nor can I.

Some quotes from the video that resonate most with me:

"As followers of Jesus, we wanted to make sure we loved and valued what was eternal in our team members…”

“As the leader of Movement Mortgage, I’m tasked with making sure we steward all of our resources well, and part of that is thinking about the dollar investments of every program that we invest in.  And while I love the report I get every month from Corporate Chaplains talking about the number of prayers they said over our employees, the number of individuals employee meetings they’ve had, the number of weddings they have been to, the number of funerals they have attended, the number of hospital visits and prison visits, there's nothing like hearing the real life story of an employee that has been in need that’s been ministered to by one of our chaplains."

Casey is the real deal.  That comes across pretty clearly in this video.  He's a winner.  He's also won a SuperBowl......the first ever Super Bowl winner to be featured here at FDE.  I need to talk to my friends at Professional Athletes Outreach and see if we can get some more :)