Faith Driven Entrepreneur

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Bible Reading Plan on Being a Parent and an Entrepreneur

Advice for Entrepreneur Parents

How to be a good parent and a good business owner? This is one of the most common questions we get at Faith Driven Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs work strange, long hours, and this can get in the way of bedtime and soccer practices.  

In this Bible Reading Plan about being both a parent and entrepreneur, we dive into emotional pitfalls like guilt and shame. We also encourage you with God’s Word. It’s not easy balancing both roles and there’s no one prescriptive answer, but it’s helpful to hear how others have gone down this road before us.

Day 1: Your Relationships Are Only As Healthy As You Are

Les Parrott III, Ph.D., is the founder of and a Professor of Psychology at Seattle Pacific University. He is also co-creator, with his wife Leslie, of eHarmony Marriage. He wrote this contribution to the Bible reading plan to remind us that our spiritual health will affect all of our relationships. 

At the end of the day, this internal health stems from God’s love. If you were the only person on the planet to love, God would love you. And this helps us lower our defenses, take steps of faith, and love others in return. 

Bible reading from Ephesians.

Day 2: Intentional Parenting

Do you set aside time in your family’s daily life to acknowledge and worship God? Devotionals can be a powerful relationship builder within the family. 

As entrepreneurs, we get up early and go to bed late. It’s easy to let spiritual practices fall by the wayside, especially when not everyone in the family always feels like doing them. But we’re confident that if you stick with it, you’ll see the fruit over the long haul.

Bible reading from Proverbs.

Day 3: A Family Benediction

In Latin, a benediction simply means a good word. A short blessing that we say over others. Liz Bohannon, speaker, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Sseko Designs, recalls what it was like explaining God and life’s big questions to her three-year-old son. It’s been a process where she’s stripped down the truth to get to the core essence of what her family believes.

In short, she and her husband have been teaching their son that he is a child of God. and no one can take that away.

Consider how you can establish foundational truths in your family with regular benedictions.

Bible reading from Isaiah.